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Text File | 1994-09-12 | 28.9 KB | 716 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- The MDP-80 Simulator Manual
- by
- Ronald T. Kneusel
- 1994
- The MDP-80 simulator was designed to ease the task of learning low level
- machine operations and as an introduction to programming microprocessors.
- This manual describes the operation of the simulator only and
- is not a tutorial. Basic knowledge of machine code programming is assumed.
- This manual, the MDP-80 simulator, the MDP-8008 assembler and manual, tutorials,
- and sample programs are copyright, 1994, by Ronald T. Kneusel. Unauthorized
- reproduction or modification in any form is prohibited without prior written
- consent.
- • Chapter 1 - Introduction
- •• What Is It?
- The MDP-80 simulator is a Macintosh application that simulates the
- operation of a small microcomputer based on the MDP-8008 microprocessor
- (which is itself a simulation as it is not a `real' microprocessor).
- This simulated computer has a total of 14k (14,336 bytes) of memory with
- the top 2k (from addresses F800 through FFFF) reserved for the system
- monitor ROM.
- The remaining 12k is RAM memory (addresses 0000 through
- 2FFF). Reading and writing to addresses in the range 3000 through F7FF
- will not cause an error but is the functional equivalent of reading and
- writing to empty sockets on the motherboard of an actual computer. The
- MDP-80 is connected to a simple terminal and keyboard.
- Input/Output is accomplished by checking specific memory locations. The
- microprocessor does not support interrupts and there is no form of disk
- I/O. The simulator provides a means for loading a program to memory from
- a file on the Macintosh, but programs written in the simulator cannot be
- saved to disk.
- ••• The MDP-8008 Microprocessor
- A summary of the MDP-8008 microprocessor instruction set is given in
- Opcodes table. The MDP-8008 is an 8-bit microprocessor with one
- accumulator and two general purpose 8-bit registers, X and Y. The
- microprocessor uses page 2 (0100 through 01FF) as a system stack with the
- current value of the stack register accessible via the X register. In
- addition, the MDP-8008 has a special purpose `processor status register'
- (P) which contains flags that indicate the current state of the microprocessor.
- These flags are tested by the branch instructions. The flags are
- negative (N), carry (C), zero (Z), less than (L), and greater than (G).
- ••• The System Monitor
- The system monitor is itself an MDP-8008 program that will allow the user
- to examine and change memory and to run programs. It is run automatically
- at startup, displaying a message identifying the version. It then prints
- an `*' and waits for a line of input. The monitor is fully described
- in the first part of Chapter 2. The monitor also provides a
- collection of highly useful subroutines that will greatly ease the task
- of writing programs. These include input (numbers, lines of text) and
- output (characters, strings, and numbers) subroutines.
- •• Features
- The MDP-80 features an `invisible' simulator that only makes its presence
- known when loading programs and memory from disk. The system monitor is a
- true MDP-8008 program and not an extension of the simulator. The source code
- for the system monitor is included with the simulator package in the
- _MDP-8008 Assembler User Manual_. Not being part of the simulator
- program makes the code in the system monitor available to the user, thereby
- making input and output much easier.
- The assembler should be used for all but the smallest programs.
- On Macintoshes using MultiFinder or System 7.x it is easy to run
- the assembler, the simulator, and a text editor (not included) at the same
- time and thereby create a fast write/assemble/execute loop.
- The simulator allows for the loading of assembly object files from disk
- along with the loading and saving of memory. The ability to load and
- save memory makes it possible to work on programs in machine code before
- using the assembler.
- • Chapter 2 - Quick Start
- This chapter serves as a quick introduction to the simulator and
- describes the system monitor commands. A sample program is also presented.
- •• System Monitor Commands
- The system monitor understands five single letter commands regardless of
- spacing and case. A summary of the commands is:
- System Monitor Commands
- Command Function Example Use
- ----------- -------------------------------------------- --------------
- X `address' eXamine memory, dump 10 lines in hexadecimal X 400
- L `address' List memory, disassemble 10 lines L 400
- S `address' Substitute memory, enter new value, `!' to end S 400
- G `address' Go (run program) G 400
- `address' display contents of the address entered 12EF
- ! clear the screen and home the cursor !
- ••• Examine Command
- The `X' (eXamine) command, followed by an address of one to four digits,
- will produce a ten line hexadecimal dump of memory beginning at the
- address entered. For example,
- *X 400 (entered by the user)
- 0400-A9 41 20 F8 76 60 00 00
- 0408-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 0410-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 0418-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 0420-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 0428-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 0430-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 0438-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- *
- ••• List Command
- For a disassembled listing of memory use the `L' (List) command. For
- example,
- *L 400 (again entered by the user)
- 0400- A9 41 LDA #41
- 0402- 20 F8 76 JSR $F876
- 0405- 60 RTS
- 0408- 00 BRK
- 0409- 00 BRK
- 040A- 00 BRK
- 040B- 00 BRK
- 040C- 00 BRK
- 040D- 00 BRK
- 040E- 00 BRK
- 040F- 00 BRK
- 0410- 00 BRK
- 0411- 00 BRK
- 0412- 00 BRK
- 0413- 00 BRK
- 0414- 00 BRK
- *
- ••• Substitute Command
- To change the contents of memory use the `S' (Substitute) command
- followed by an address. To change the value of a memory location enter
- the new value, to leave it unchanged press `return'. To exit substitute
- mode enter `!'. For example,
- *S 400 (user input)
- 0400-00 A9 (entered by the user)
- 0401-00 41
- 0402-00 20
- 0403-00 F8
- 0404-00 76
- 0405-00 60
- 0406-00 ! (end input)
- *
- ••• Go Command
- Run a machine language program by entering `G' followed by the first
- address in the program. Be sure to end all programs with a 60 (RTS)
- instruction to return to the monitor. For example, using the code
- entered above,
- *G 400 (user input)
- A* (program outputs `A' then back to monitor)
- ••• Other Commands
- Typing `!' will clear the screen and home the cursor. Typing a valid
- hexadecimal address (one to four digits) will display the current
- contents of that address.
- •• Example - the Alphabet
- As an illustration of the simulator we now present a small example
- program to print the letters of the alphabet. This program uses the
- _COUT monitor subroutine at location F876 to print the character
- in the accumulator. Try this example for yourself by entering the values
- listed,
- MDP-80 Monitor ROM version 1.0
- *S 400
- 0400-00 A9
- 0401-00 41
- 0402-00 20
- 0403-00 F8
- 0404-00 76
- 0405-00 AE
- 0406-00 88
- 0407-00 5B
- 0408-00 D1
- 0409-00 04
- 040A-00 02
- 040B-00 A9
- 040C-00 0D
- 040D-00 20
- 040F-00 F8
- 0410-00 76
- 0411-00 60
- 0412-00 !
- *G 400
- *
- As an exercise, change the program to output the alphabet in lowercase
- (ASCII values 61 through 7A) by changing 401 to 61 and 407 to 7B.
- • Chapter 3 - The Simulator Application
- The simulator application uses two menus, File and Edit. The Edit menu is
- for desk accessories and is not used.
- •• The File Menu
- The "File" menu options are "Load file", "Load memory", "Save memory", and
- "Quit". The last one is self-evident. The Load file option loads assembly
- language object files into the simulator's memory. It brings up a standard
- Macintosh dialog box for the user to enter the name of an assembler
- object file (.OBJ) to load. The simulator displays the beginning
- address of the file and returns to the system monitor.
- The "Load memory" and "Save memory" options read or write the
- entire contents of the simulator's memory to a disk file. This is useful
- when writing programs without using the assembler. To use this feature
- make a copy of the supplied file _MDP-80 memory_ in the Finder and
- name it what you will. Then, when in the simulator and ready to save the
- memory, select "Save memory" and use the dialog box to select the
- file just created. The entire contents of the simulator's memory will be
- written to this file. Use "Load memory" to restore a memory image.
- If a disk error occurs the simulator will indicate the error code and exit.
- •• Breaking an Infinite Loop
- The mouse button resets the simulator. Pressing it will
- interrupt the program currently running and return to the monitor.
- Embedding a BRK (00) instruction in a program will cause the
- simulator to jump to the address FFFA which contains a jump to the
- break routine.
- • Chapter 4 - MDP-8008 Reference
- The MDP-8008 microprocessor has 52 instructions and 7 addressing modes.
- The _opcodes_ table gives a summary of the MDP-8008 instruction set. The
- instruction names are given in the _full name_ table. The second column of
- the _opcodes_ table indicates with an `*' which of the processor status
- flags are affected by each instruction. The flags are (N) negative (bit
- seven is set), (C) carry, (Z) zero, (L) less than, and (G) greater than.
- •• MDP-8008 addressing modes
- An instruction's addressing mode determines the way in which the
- instruction will access and use memory. The seven modes supported by the
- MDP-8008 are implied, immediate, absolute, absolute indexed, zero page,
- relative, and indirect indexed.
- ••• Implied addressing
- The implied address in implied addressing is the accumulator. Implied
- mode is used by single byte instructions that only act on the accumulator
- and do not reference memory.
- ••• Immediate addressing
- The value used in immediate mode addressing is the next byte of the
- program, or the first operand. The target of the instruction is one of
- the microprocessor's registers which is loaded with the immediate value.
- For example, A9 F3 will load the accumulator with the value F3.
- ••• Absolute addressing
- An 8-bit microprocessor like the MDP-8008 can access a total of 65536
- memory locations. It therefore takes two bytes to represent the address
- of any memory location. Absolute addressing uses two operand bytes
- (the first two bytes of the program following the byte containing the
- opcode) to represent the address of a memory location. For example, B9 1E 37
- will store the current value of the accumulator in location 1E37.
- ••• Absolute indexed addressing
- Similar to absolute addressing, absolute indexed addressing uses as a
- target address the value obtained when the address represented by the
- operand bytes is added to the current value of the X register. If the X
- register contains 14 and the instruction is BD 1E 38 the contents of the
- accumulator will be stored in location 1E38 + 14 = 1E4C. Absolute indexed
- addressing is particularly useful when dealing with lists.
- ••• Indirect indexed addressing
- The target address in indirect index addressing is found by taking the
- absolute address in the operands, reading the two byte address that
- starts at the given address and adding the contents of the X register to
- get the final address. For example, suppose the instruction being
- executed (in assembly form) is 61 2E 33. If the values stored
- in memory locations 2E33 and 2E34 are 14 and 1C and the current value
- of the X register is A4 then the accumulator will be loaded with the
- contents of location 141C + A4 = 14C0.
- ••• Zero page addressing
- Zero page addressing takes advantage of the fact that the first 256
- memory locations can be addressed in a single byte (00 to FF).
- Therefore, all instructions using the zero page are only two bytes long,
- which can add up to a significant savings if frequently used locations
- are in the zero page.
- ••• Relative addressing
- Only the branch instructions use relative addressing. Instead of
- specifying an absolute location in memory, a relative address is a
- positive or negative offset from the current address. The use of
- relative addressing allows one to write code that will run at any
- location in memory. Relative addressing uses one operand and as a result
- can reference locations that are -128 to +127 bytes from the current
- location. The Forebranch and Backbranch tables can be used to
- determine the appropriate operand for a specific branch.
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | TABLES |
- | |
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- •• Summary of MDP-8008 instruction set ••
- Label N-C-ZLG- Imp Imm Abs AbX Zer Rel Ind
- -----+----------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
- ADC | *-*-*--- | | A5 | B5 | BE | | | |
- AND | ----*--- | | A0 | 99 | | | | |
- BCC | -------- | | | D5 | | | D4 | |
- BCS | -------- | | | DB | | | DA | |
- BEQ | -------- | | | D3 | | | D2 | |
- BGT | -------- | | | D9 | | | D8 | |
- BLT | -------- | | | D7 | | | D6 | |
- BNE | -------- | | | D1 | | | D0 | |
- BNG | -------- | | | DD | | | DC | |
- BPL | -------- | | | DF | | | DE | |
- BRA | -------- | | | | | | E0 | |
- BRK | -------- | 00 | | | | | | |
- CLC | --*----- | 54 | | | | | | |
- CMP | ----***- | | 88 | 89 | 8A | CB | | |
- CPX | ----***- | | 86 | 85 | | CC | | |
- CPY | ----***- | | 8B | 8C | | CD | | |
- DCA | ----*--- | AF | | | | | | |
- DEC | ----*--- | | | 45 | 34 | | | |
- DEX | ----*--- | C7 | | | | | | |
- DEY | ----*--- | C5 | | | | | | |
- EOR | ----*--- | | A2 | 97 | | | | |
- INA | ----*--- | AE | | | | | | |
- INC | ----*--- | | | 46 | 35 | | | |
- INX | ----*--- | E8 | | | | | | |
- INY | ----*--- | EE | | | | | | |
- JMP | -------- | | | 4C | | | | |
- JSR | -------- | | | 20 | | | | |
- LDA | *---*--- | | A9 | AA | AD | C0 | | 61 |
- LDX | *---*--- | | A8 | AB | | C2 | | |
- LDY | *---*--- | | A6 | AC | | C4 | | |
- LSH | --*----- | 26 | | | | | | |
- NOP | -------- | EA | | | | | | |
- ORA | ----*--- | | A1 | 98 | | | | |
- PHA | -------- | 3C | | | | | | |
- PHP | -------- | 33 | | | | | | |
- PLA | -------- | 3D | | | | | | |
- PLP | -------- | 36 | | | | | | |
- ROL | --*----- | 28 | | | | | | |
- ROR | --*----- | 27 | | | | | | |
- RSH | --*----- | 29 | | | | | | |
- RTS | -------- | 60 | | | | | | |
- SBC | *-*-*--- | | A4 | BB | BA | | | |
- SEC | --*----- | 55 | | | | | | |
- STA | -------- | | | B9 | BD | C6 | | 63 |
- STX | -------- | | | B8 | | C8 | | |
- STY | -------- | | | B6 | | CA | | |
- TAX | -------- | 14 | | | | | | |
- TAY | -------- | 13 | | | | | | |
- TSX | -------- | 07 | | | | | | |
- TXA | -------- | 12 | | | | | | |
- TXS | -------- | 10 | | | | | | |
- TYA | -------- | 11 | | | | | | |
- -----+----------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
- •• MDP-8008 instruction names ••
- Mnemonic | Function
- ----------+---------------------------------
- ADC | Add to accumulator with carry
- AND | AND accumulator with memory
- BCC | Branch on carry clear
- BCS | Branch on carry set
- BEQ | Branch on equal or zero
- BGT | Branch on greater than
- BLT | Branch on less than
- BNE | Branch on not equal or not zero
- BNG | Branch on negative set
- BPL | Branch on positive (not negative)
- BRA | Unconditional relative branch
- BRK | Break
- CLC | Clear carry flag
- CMP | Compare accumulator to memory
- CPX | Compare X register to memory
- CPY | Compare Y register to memory
- DCA | Decrement accumulator by one
- DEC | Decrement memory by one
- DEX | Decrement X register by one
- DEY | Decrement Y register by one
- EOR | Exlusive-OR accumulator with memory
- INA | Increment accumulator by one
- INC | Increment memory by one
- INX | Increment X register by one
- INY | Increment Y register by one
- JMP | Jump to address
- JSR | Jump to subroutine at address
- LDA | Load the accumulator with memory
- LDX | Load the X register with memory
- LDY | Load the Y register with memory
- LSH | Bit shift accumulator left, no carry
- NOP | No operation
- ORA | OR accumulator with memory
- PHA | Push accumulator on stack
- PHP | Push processor status on stack
- PLA | Pull accumulator from stack
- PLP | Pull processor status from stack
- ROL | Rotate accumulator to the left with carry
- ROR | Rotate accumulator to the right with carry
- RSH | Bit shift accumulator right, no carry
- RTS | Return from subroutine
- SBC | Subtract memory from accumulator with carry
- SEC | Set carry flag
- STA | Store accumulator in memory at address
- STX | Store X register in memory at address
- STY | Store Y register in memory at address
- TAX | Transfer accumulator to X register
- TAY | Transfer accumulator to Y register
- TSX | Transfer stack pointer to X register
- TXA | Transfer X register to accumulator
- TXS | Transfer X register to stack pointer
- TYA | Transfer Y register to accumulator
- •• Forward relative branch table ••
- Use: Find the number of bytes forward by locating the value in the body and
- reading the most significant and least significant hexadecimal digits
- from the row and column headings respectively. Example, to branch
- forward 73 bytes, locate 73 in the body of the table and choose 4 from
- the row and 9 from the column to make 49.
- | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F
- --+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+---+---
- 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15
- 1 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |29 |30 |31
- 2 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 |45 |46 |47
- 3 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |61 |62 |63
- 4 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 |77 |78 |79
- 5 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 |93 |94 |95
- 6 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 |100 |101 |102 |103 |104 |105 |106 |107 |108 |109|110|111
- 7 |112 |113 |114 |115 |116 |117 |118 |119 |120 |121 |122 |123 |124 |125|126|127
- •• Backward relative branch table ••
- Use: Find the number of bytes backwards by locating the value in the
- body and reading the most significant and least significant hexadecimal
- digits from the row and column headings respectively. Example, to
- branch backwards 73 bytes, locate 73 in the body of the table and choose
- B from the row and 7 from the column to make B7.
- | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F
- --+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+---+---
- 8 | 128| 127| 126| 125| 124| 123| 122| 121| 120| 119| 118| 117| 116|115|114|113
- 9 | 112| 111| 110| 109| 108| 107| 106| 105| 104| 103| 102| 101| 100| 99| 98| 97
- A | 96 | 95 | 94 | 93 | 92 | 91 | 90 | 89 | 88 | 87 | 86 | 85 | 84 | 83| 82| 81
- B | 80 | 79 | 78 | 77 | 76 | 75 | 74 | 73 | 72 | 71 | 70 | 69 | 68 | 67| 66| 65
- C | 64 | 63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51| 50| 49
- D | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35| 34| 33
- E | 32 | 31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19| 18| 17
- F | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1
- •• MDP-80 System Memory Map and ASCII Table
- The diagram below shows how memory is used by the MDP-80 simulator. Zero
- page is available to the user if locations below 15 are unaffected. All of
- page one (0100 - 01FF) is reserved for the microprocessor's system stack.
- Several locations in page two (0200 - 02FF) are reserved for keyboard and
- screen I/O as shown in the _special locations_ table. While it is possible
- to use these locations directly there exist system monitor routines to handle
- keyboard and terminal I/O. The ASCII table summarizes the 7-bit ASCII code.
- •• Page 2 special locations ••
- +----------+------+-----------------------------------------+
- | Location | Name | Purpose |
- +----------+------+-----------------------------------------+
- | 0200 | KOUT | Put character to print here |
- | 0201 | CSTB | And set this to non-zero to print |
- | 0202 | KBDS | Set to non-zero to wait for a keypress |
- | 0203 | KEYB | Get character typed from here |
- +----------+------+-----------------------------------------+
- •• MDP-80 Memory Map ••
- +-----------------------+
- | |
- | F800 - FFFF | System Monitor
- | |
- +-----------------------+
- | |
- | 3000 - F7FF | Undefined addresses
- | |
- +-----------------------+
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | 0400 - 2FFF | RAM available to user
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- +-----------------------+
- | 0300 - 03FF | Text input buffer
- +-----------------------+
- | 0200 - 02FF | I/O locations ( 0208 - 02FF available )
- +-----------------------+
- | 0100 - 01FF | MDP-8008 stack
- +-----------------------+
- | 0000 - 00FF | Zero Page ( 0016 - 00FF avilable )
- +-----------------------+
- •• 7-bit ASCII codes ••
- Char | Hex| Dec| Char | Hex | Dec | Char | Hex | Dec | Char | Hex | Dec
- ------------+----+----+------+-----+-----+------+-----+-----+------+-----+-----
- ctl-@ (NUL) | 00 | 00 | <sp> | 20 | 32 | @ | 40 | 64 | sp | 60 | 96
- ctl-A (SOH) | 01 | 01 | ! | 21 | 33 | A | 41 | 65 | a | 61 | 97
- ctl-B (STX) | 02 | 02 | " | 22 | 34 | B | 42 | 66 | b | 62 | 98
- ctl-C (ETX) | 03 | 03 | # | 23 | 35 | C | 43 | 67 | c | 63 | 99
- ctl-D (EOT) | 04 | 04 | $ | 24 | 36 | D | 44 | 68 | d | 64 |100
- ctl-E (ENQ) | 05 | 05 | % | 25 | 37 | E | 45 | 69 | e | 65 |101
- ctl-F (ACK) | 06 | 06 | | | 26 | 38 | F | 46 | 70 | f | 66 |102
- ctl-G (BEL) | 07 | 07 | ' | 27 | 39 | G | 47 | 71 | g | 67 |103
- ctl-H (BS) | 08 | 08 | ( | 28 | 40 | H | 48 | 72 | h | 68 |104
- ctl-I (HT) | 09 | 09 | ) | 29 | 41 | I | 49 | 73 | i | 69 |105
- ctl-J (LF) | 0A | 10 | * | 2A | 42 | J | 4A | 74 | j | 6A |106
- ctl-K (VT) | 0B | 11 | + | 2B | 43 | K | 4B | 75 | k | 6B |107
- ctl-L (FF) | 0C | 12 | , | 2C | 44 | L | 4C | 76 | l | 6C |108
- ctl-M (CR) | 0D | 13 | - | 2D | 45 | M | 4D | 77 | m | 6D |109
- ctl-N (SO) | 0E | 14 | . | 2E | 46 | N | 4E | 78 | n | 6E |110
- ctl-O (SI) | 0F | 15 | / | 2F | 47 | O | 4F | 79 | o | 6F |111
- ctl-P (DLE) | 10 | 16 | 0 | 30 | 48 | P | 50 | 80 | p | 70 |112
- ctl-Q (DC1) | 11 | 17 | 1 | 31 | 49 | Q | 51 | 81 | q | 71 |113
- ctl-R (DC2) | 12 | 18 | 2 | 32 | 50 | R | 52 | 82 | r | 72 |114
- ctl-S (DC3) | 13 | 19 | 3 | 33 | 51 | S | 53 | 83 | s | 73 |115
- ctl-T (DC4) | 14 | 20 | 4 | 34 | 52 | T | 54 | 84 | t | 74 |116
- ctl-U (NAK) | 15 | 21 | 5 | 35 | 53 | U | 55 | 85 | u | 75 |117
- ctl-V (SYN) | 16 | 22 | 6 | 36 | 54 | V | 56 | 86 | v | 76 |118
- ctl-W (ETB) | 17 | 23 | 7 | 37 | 55 | W | 57 | 87 | w | 77 |119
- ctl-X (CAN) | 18 | 24 | 8 | 38 | 56 | X | 58 | 88 | x | 78 |120
- ctl-Y (EM) | 19 | 25 | 9 | 39 | 57 | Y | 59 | 89 | y | 79 |121
- ctl-Z (SUB) | 1A | 26 | : | 3A | 58 | Z | 5A | 90 | z | 7A |122
- ctl-[ (ESC) | 1B | 27 | ; | 3B | 59 | [ | 5B | 91 | { | 7B |123
- ctl-\ (FS) | 1C | 28 | < | 3C | 60 | \ | 5C | 92 | | | 7C |124
- ctl-] (GS) | 1D | 29 | = | 3D | 61 | ] | 5D | 93 | } | 7D |125
- ctl-^ (RS) | 1E | 30 | > | 3E | 62 | ^ | 5E | 94 | ~ | 7E |126
- ctl-<- (VS) | 1F | 31 | ? | 3F | 63 |<- | 5F | 95 | DEL | 7F |127
- • Chapter 5 - Useful Monitor Subroutines
- The simulator's built in system monitor program occupies the 2K of memory
- from F800 to FFFF and contains the routines necessary to make it possible
- to enter, execute, and modify machine language programs. It also
- contains a number of useful routines for printing strings and numbers,
- entering data, and converting strings to numbers.
- •• _COUT | F876 | Output character in A
- Description: Displays the character whose ASCII code is stored in the
- accumulator.
- Registers altered: None.
- •• _KEYIN | F87D | Input character from keyboard
- Description: Waits for a key to be pressed and places the ASCII value in
- the accumulator.
- Registers altered: A.
- •• _INPUT | F87D | Input a line of text, with prompt
- _INPUT1 | F889 | Input a line of text, no prompt
- Description: Inputs a line of text. Characters are stored starting
- at location 0300. Backspace and delete keys work as normal.
- X holds the length on exit.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- •• _PRINT | F8D2 | Print a null terminated string
- Description: Displays the null terminated string the address of which is
- in A (MSB) and X (LSB).
- Registers altered: A, X.
- •• _PRINTHEX | F8E9 | Print A as a hexadecimal number
- Description: Display the accumulator as a two digit hexadecimal number.
- Registers altered: A.
- •• _PRINTWORD | F920 | Print AX as a four digit hexadecimal number
- Description: Displays AX as a four digit number. A holds the high
- part, X holds the low.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- •• _UPPER | F928 | Convert a string to uppercase
- Description: Converts the null terminated string starting at
- the address in AX to uppercase.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- •• _KILLB | F952 | Remove the blanks from a string
- Description: Removes the blanks from the null terminated string that starts
- at the address in AX.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- •• _LENGTH | F989 | Find the length of a string
- Description: Returns in X the length of the null terminated string
- pointed to by 06 and 07.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- •• _NUMBER | F9DD | Convert a string to a number
- Description: Converts the null terminated string in AX into a 16-bit
- hexadecimal number stored in 01 and 02.
- Registers altered: A, X, and Y.
- •• _REG | FF7F | Display current register values
- Description: Displays the current register values.
- Registers altered: None.
- •• _BLANKS | FFD8 | Output blank spaces
- Description: Displays blank spaces, count in X.
- Registers altered: A, X.
- Author's address:
- Ronald T. Kneusel
- 8725 West Burdick Avenue
- Milwaukee, WI 53227 USA
- (414) 545-7557